Kip met stip op de post

Chicken with a dot on the post

Pakje Kunst Deventer asked me to make a series for the vending machine in December . In an edition of 12 I designed the series chicken with dot. They are mini caravans attached to a colored ribbon. Upon arrival, 2 were sold immediately. That is of course a good sign.

The series formed the basis of my New Year's card together with figures from murals that I made in Amsterdam. That became an edition of 25, numbered and signed. I got the taste for it and designed a matching Christmas stamp. I've done that before. I now have a whole series of them. 

That envelope with my self-designed Christmas stamp, which I had posted well before Christmas, namely on December 19, arrived on Monday January 13th. I just did the math and that is exactly 25 days. How beautiful can it be… With that stamp of Amsterdam on it it looks beautiful. And yes,  If you've been around for 750 years, you're allowed to take your time...


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